on Evolution and Creationism
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Description: Overview and history of the Evolution/Creation debate.
Beliefs about origins, including the theory of evolution and creation science Religion/science conflicts & "hot" topics Beliefs about the origins & development of the species, the Earth, & the universe: including
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Page title: | Beliefs about origins, including the theory of evolution and creation science |
Keywords: | origins, creation, creation science, evolution, genesis, natural selection, noahic flood, noah, bible, proof, disproof, references, old earth, new earth, gap theory, fossil, fossils, darwin, scientific method, falsification, theory, creation, science, theory of evolution, genesis, origin, gap, naturalistic evolution, naturalistic, progressive, progressive creation, theistic, theistic evolution, literal, literal creation, young, earth, young earth, day-age creation, day-age |
Description: | beleifs about origins of life, the Earth, and the rest of the universe, including theory of evolution and creation science |
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