MainSciencePhysicsRelativity › Spanish Society of Gravitation and Relativity

Spanish Society of Gravitation and Relativity

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Description: Includes information about membership, officers, conferences and about Spanish relativity groups.
Sociedad Española de Gravitación y Relatividad Spanish Society of Gravitation and Relativity The Spanish Society of Gravitation and Relativity was created in 2003 to gather all researchers and students working in this multi-discipline area of knowledge. It will serve as a meeting and reference point to the mathematical, theoretical, classical, quantum, numerical, observational and experimental aspects of Gravitation and Relativity and their applications. The Society is widely open to all individuals and institutions interested in contributing to the development of this discipline in Spain. The main aims of the SEGRE are to promote the research on Gravitation and Relativity and to widely spread the knowledge on these disciplines by the appropriate means, particularly by:
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Page title:Sociedad Española de Gravitación y Relatividad
Keywords:gravitacion, relatividad, segre, gravitation, relativity
Description:Sociedad Espanola de Gravitacion y Relatividad.