Besocke Delta Phi GmbH
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Scan day: 03 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Manufacturer of instruments used in research and development in physics, chemistry, engineering and biology. Main products include Kelvin Probes, STM, AFM, Choppers and Gas sensors.
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Page title: | Besocke Delta-PHI |
Keywords: | company, purchasing, Purchase, verkaufen, Verkauf, Hersteller, herstellen, produzieren, Produkte, vermarkten, untersuchen, Untersuchung, science, Wissenschaft, technology, probe, Probe, instruments, Instrument, development, Information, information, Delta Phi GmbH, Besocke Delta Phi GmbH, Besocke, Delta Phi, Produkt, Grundlagenforschung, Nanotechnologie, Nanowelt, Nanopartikel, Quantensprung, Rastertunnelmikroskop, RTM, Nanolehrmeister, Atomhaufen, Biomoleküle, Rastertunnel- Elektronenmikroskop, Technologie, technology, Rastersonde, Nanotechnik, Anisotopie, Austrittsarbeit, elektronische Zustandsdichte, Kelvin System, Chopper System Kelvin Sonde, Kelvin Sonde S, Kelvin Probe, Kelvin Probe S, Kelvin Control, Kelvin Control 07, Austrittsarbeit, Änderung der Austrittsarbeit, work function, work function changes, work function analysis system, analysis system, reference grid electrode, experimental chamber, high sensitivity, position, various environments, application, control electronics, low noise measurements, signal processing, CPD measurement, frequency drift, signal- phase, CPD changes, |
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WHOIS | Status: connect |
Date | Changed: 2008-01-24T13:02:48+01:00 Changed: 2006-12-04T23:27:06+01:00 Changed: 2006-12-05T00:35:07+01:00 |