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Information on the Standard Model and a Possible Difficulty

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Description: Introduction to the Standard Model. The site also contains links to other topics such as neutrinos and electroweak-symmetry-breaking/mass-generation.
Problems for the Standard Model The Standard Model: In Trouble?       has been a pillar of fundamental physics for more than 30 years. It took decades to construct, and it is the crown jewel of 20th-century particle physics. In 1979, Sheldon Glashow, Abdus Salam and Steven Weinberg won the Nobel Prize for unifying the sectors of the theory comprising the weak subnuclear and electromagnetic forces in what is now known as the electroweak theory. The remaining sector, the strong interactions, is based on a so-called non-abelian gauge theory (a theoretical invention by R. L. Mills and C. N. Yang in 1954). The strong force holds the protons and neutrons together in a nucleus. The only fundamental force not included in the Standard Model of particle physics is gravity:
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Page title:Problems for the Standard Model
Keywords:standard model,standard model of particle physics,leptons,quarks,lepton,quark,neutrino,neutrinos,muon,muons,down,up,strange,charm,bottom,top,strong interactions,weak interactions,electroweak,theory,unification,proton,neutron,W,Z,W's,Z's,photon,photons,Higgs,electroweak breaking,CERN,SLAC,Fermilab,forward-backward asymmetry,cross section,scattering
Description:Is the Standard Model of Particle Physics in Trouble?