Mathematical Physics
- 41
- Gustav Jacobi
- The mathematician whose work with coordinate transformations is still common in mathematical physics
- 43
- Jean Delambre
- The mathematician who analysed the orbit of Uranus and predicted a possible extra planet.
- 47
- Nunez, Alvaro
- NYU graduate, now on the faculty at Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art in New York. Includes selected publications.
- 48
- Sophus Lie
- A short history of the life and work of Sophus Lie, whose work, Lie groups, has applications in quantum mechanics in relativity.
- 51
- Vicsek, Tamas
- Department of Biological Physics. Eötvös Loránd University. Budapest, Hungary. Specializes in statistical physics.
- 52
- Vito Volterra
- A short biography on Volterra and his work in differential equations and mathematical physics.
- 53
- Vladimir I. Arnold
- Overview of the life and works of the man who has given many topological (and other) contributions to mathematical physics.
- 55
- Recent Books on Symmetries and Integrability
- List of recent books (since 1999) with links to publishers' pages.
- 56
- (Portugal) University of Lisbon
- Mathematical Physics Group (GFM). Members, research topics, preprints, meetings and jobs.
- 57
- (UK) Edinburgh Mathematical Physics Group
- Group of mathematicians and physicists from Edinburgh Universities. People, research, seminars, jobs and resources.