- 21
- Scientific Computing and Plasma Physics Blog
- Plasma modeling, rarefied gas dynamics, scientific computing, and data visualization articles with source codes and interactive demos.
- 22
- nMod nBody
- Is a modelling Toolkit that contain a Particle-Particle nBody model, a visualiser to display the time evolution, and other utilities to assist in the development of nBody simulation.
- 24
- An Introduction to Computational Physics
- The materials for the book. Including, Errors Found, Fortran and C codes.
- 26
- Computational Physics
- The goal of this course is to make aware of what is involved in computational physics, and the large variety of methods form classical to quantum physics using the computer.
- 29
- Computational Physics Resource on the Internet
- This course provides an introduction to some of the most widely used methods of computational physics.
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- Computational Physics with Python
- A complete introduction to the field of computational physics, with examples and exercises in the Python programming language.
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- Computational Studies of Pure and Dilute Spin Models
- Monte Carlo simulations of ferromagnetic material using Ising and Potts spin models to ascertain selected properties of such material. Discusses what spin models are and how they are used to simulate magnetic material, with particular attention to the use of cluster algorithms.
- 33
- Institute for Computational Physics:
- The institute of computational physics on high performance computers.
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- Communications in Computational Physics
- Publishes research and survey papers in computational modeling of physical problems. Results in multi-physics and multi-scale innovative computational methods and modeling in all physical sciences.
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