Classical Mechanics
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- Classical Mechanics on Wikipedia
- Free online encyclopedia with description of the theory and history of classical mechanics.
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- Derivation of Basic Gyroscope Formula
- Web page contains a clear, simple and intuitive derivation of this formula.
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- How a Helium Balloon Works
- Explanation of lifting capabilities of helium, hydrogen and hot air balloons, from How Stuff Works.
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- Mechanics: Statics and Kinematics
- provides educative material including distance, displacement, velocity, acceleration, linear motion, circular motion, momentum, Newton's laws of motion, simple harmonic motion, energy, work, power, gravitation, Kepler's laws, satellites and friction.
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- Non Linear Mappings
- Interactive visualisation of nonlinear mappings, a Java applet simulating the standard map and the Henon map.
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- On a General Method of Expressing the Paths of Light and of the Planets, by the Coefficients of a Characteristic Function
- An original paper by William Rowan Hamilton, dated 1833.
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- Physics Articles
- Discussion of various forms of rotating motion in which the Coriolis effect plays a part, such as the Foucault pendulum and inertial oscillations. Illustrated with animations.
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- Coupled Oscillations
- This applet illustrates coupled oscillations of a linear chain of identical noninteracting bodies connected to each other and to fixed endpoints by identical ideal springs. All bodies start from rest, and their initial positions can be set either by sliding them along the track
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- History Topic: The Brachistichrone Problem
- This problem was posed by Johann Bernoulli in 1696 and several mathematicians rose to the challenge.
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- Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics
- A detailed introduction to the basic features and mathematical formalisms involved.
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- The Principle of Least Action
- A brief review of the mathematics and physics involved in the principle of least action.
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- Classical Dynamics
- A Cambridge University course with lecture notes, focussing on the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian approaches to classical mechanics.
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- How do bullets fly?
- Discussion of the basics of the motion of projectiles through the atmosphere by Ruprecht Nennstiel.
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- Hamilton, Sir William Rowan (1805-1865)
- Responsible for Hamilton's Principle and the classical Hamiltonian
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- Lagrange, Joseph Louis
- A biography written with reference to his peers; includes quotations and references to his works.
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