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- Bad Astronomy Blog
- Commentary on astronomy news and space-related myths and misinformation. By Phil Plait.
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- Brains Matter
- A podcast on science, curiosities and general knowledge, featuring interviews with scientists and topics of interest.
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- Bruceleeeowe's Blog
- Exploring advanced technologies from past and future, an entirely new analytical view at science.
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- California Biotech Law Blog
- This blog addresses litigation, legislation, deals, and legal issues of interest to the California biotech community.
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- DanShope.com
- Provides news about robotic technologies and medical robotics as well as other interesting engineering topics. Also provides tutorials for SolidWorks.
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- Dumb Scientist
- A collection of articles written by a physicist about physics, other scientific fields, philosophy and politics.
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- Fractured and Karst Hydrogeology
- Blog covering the research activities of JC Maréchalin on this subject. includes power point scientific presentations and links to research papers.
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- FuturePundit
- Future technological trends and their likely effects on human society, politics and evolution.
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- GenderBiology.net
- Provides news and resources about gender biology, gender physiology, gender-specific medicine, gender medicine, and sex differences regarding men's and women's health.
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- Green Trust Renewable Energy & Sustainability
- Discussion and education on renewable energy, permaculture, biofuels, and independent living. [Atom]
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- Hand Picked....and Carefully Sorted
- Covers interesting developments in agriculture, animal sciences, human sciences, leisure and tourism and the environment.