Image Solutions
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Description: Specializes in imaging system consultancy and design.
Mail:[email protected] - Tel.: +44 (0)1772 663 140 IMAGE SOLUTIONS: bespoke imaging systems for all your needs Expertise in Scientific and Industrial Digital Imaging Scientific and Industrial Digital Imaging is our core business - not a bolt on!
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Page title: | Image Solutions |
Keywords: | Suppliers, digital imaging, sytems, microscopes, microscope accessories, cameras, software, deconvolution, restoration, free calcium, automatic brightfield, fluorescent screening, TIRF, FRAP, GFP, scientific imaging, solutions, TIRF System, Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence, Micro Injectors, demonstration, life sciences, live cells, industry, scientists, engineers, acquisition, processing, exfo, exfo x-cite, bulbs, bespoke imaging, equipment, service, microscope, digital camera, CARV, CARV II, upright microscopes, laser illumination, Intracellular Imaging, calcium, imaging system, fluorescent, ion, scientist, Light Sources, Cold, Xenon, Mercury, Xe/Hg hybrids, monochromators, Specialist filters, Filter Wheels, filter changers, heated stages, cooled stages, environmental chambers, custom workbenches, anti vibration solutions, air tables, perfusion pumps, flow chambers, camera couplers, micro-injection, micro-manipulation, immersion oils, coupler systems, olympus microscope, olympus, distributors, DeltaVision, widefield microscopy |
Description: | UK based pan European suppliers of digital optical imaging components and systems, such as microscopes, microscope accessories, cameras, software, deconvolution and restoration, free calcium, automatic brightfield and fluorescent screening, TIRF, FRAP, GFP |
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Date | Last updated: 04-Oct-2013 Expiry date: 03-Dec-2015 |