- 41
- Highland Statistics Ltd.
- Statistical consultancy, data analysis and software development. Specialized in time series analysis. Located in Scotland.
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- Innovative Solutions Ltd
- We are a small New Zealand company, providing a mathematical, statistical, and IT consultancy service. Mathematical modelling and problem solving are our speciality.
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- Marriott Statistical Consulting
- A statistical consultancy firm providing data driven solutions to business questions.
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- MicroStat Analytics Ltd
- Development of methodology and tools, providing data, information processing, statistical and econometrics analysis.
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- Newton Statistical Consulting
- Provides consulting services in research design and data analysis to academic, nonprofit, government and business organizations.
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- O.R. Systems Pty Ltd
- Offers economic analysis, mathematical modeling, operations research, statistical analysis and survey design. Based in Melbourne, Australia. Includes contact information.
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- Provides data analysis, statistical consulting, medical writing and clinical trial reporting services to the pharmaceutical industry. Additionally, we have developed software to efficiently report clinical trials. We provide worldwide services and are based in London, UK.
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- Price Associates, Inc.
- Consultants - risk assessment, statistical design and analysis, mathematical modeling, regulatory analysis, science-based litigation support, expert witness.
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- Primary Biostatistical Solutions
- Biostatistical Consultants providing services to the Biotech and Pharmaceutical Industries.
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- Quantex Research Statistical Consultancy
- Specialises in statistical consultancy in engineering and industry, with emphasis on power, aerospace but with a general belief that too many manufacturing industries make far too little use of proper statistics.
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- Statistician available for experimental design, data analysis, and statistics tutoring.
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- Social Science Statistics Center at University of Missouri
- Conducts a wide variety of statistical consulting projects in academic setting with emphasis in social sciences.
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- Southwest Statistical Consulting, LLC
- Statistical consulting, data analysis, and training with emphasis on earth and environmental science applications. Colorado, USA.
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- Statistical Designs
- Provides technical short courses, software, and consulting for science and industry. Located in Houston, TX.
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- Statistically Significant Consulting, LLC
- Steven D. Creech specializes in assisting doctoral students with the statistical aspects of their methods and results chapters. Site provides details of the services available relating to different parts of a dissertation.
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- Statisticians.Net
- Statisticians who design research, analyze data, and provide professional editing for business, academics, and graduate students.