Numerical Analysis
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- (Austria) Johannes Kepler University, Linz
- Institute of Computational Mathematics (formerly Department of Computational Mathematics of the Institute of Analysis and Computational Mathematics).
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- (Austria) Johannes Kepler University, Linz
- Spezialforschungsbereich F013: Numerical and Symbolic Scientific Computing.
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- (UK) University of Leicester
- Centre for Mathematical Modelling. Specializing in interdisciplinary solutions based on advanced simulation and modelling tools. Members, research projects.
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- (USA) Texas A and M University
- Numerical Methods for PDE Group. Primarily concerned with the efficient numerical approximation of solutions of partial differential equations.
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- Computational Fluid Dynamics, Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Methods
- The focus of this group is to find numerical solutions of differential equations coming from several areas of applications, as for example. Participants are from various universities in the US and Europe.
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- Addix.Spline
- A comprehensive spline curve function library for creating and evaluating splines in Excel, VB and VBA. Free download of evaluation copy.
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- Astronomy and Numerical Source Codes
- Astronomical computations and mathematical functions source programs in C. Home page of the Cephes Mathematical Library.
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- Boundary Element Method
- Resources: Acoustics, Laplace and Helmholtz Problems. Book, manuals, Fortran software (Free and to purchase).
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- FreeFEM
- Free general PDE solver driven by a user friendly language. Both a 2D and a 3D version are available. MacOS, Windows.
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- Freely Available Software for the Solution of Linear Algebra Problems
- Software for high-performance computers available in source form for problems in numerical linear algebra, specifically dense, sparse direct and iterative systems and sparse iterative eigenvalue problems.
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- METIS: Serial Graph/Mesh Partitioning & Sparse Matrix Ordering
- Graph, mesh, and hypergraph partitioning software. Free download, portable on most Unix systems that have an ANSI C compiler (e.g. GNU C).
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- Newmat C++ Matrix Manipulation Library
- For the manipulation of matrices in the C++ language, oriented towards science and engineering applications.
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- Numerical Methods
- Notes and Fortran code on topics including: Finite elements, finite differences, boundary elements, integral equation methods, optimisation,linear systems, numerical integration, ODEs.
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- Scientific Computing
- Software and Algorithms for linear and nonlinear inverse Problems: Computerized tomography, wavelet applications, statical computations, multi parameter fit and more
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- Test Set for Initial Value Problem Solvers
- Test problems, experimental results from a number of proven solvers, solvers, subroutines providing a common interface and links for Initial Value Problems for ODEs, DAEs and IDEs.