- 42
- Finite Canonical Commutation Relations
- A working paper on FCCR nxn matrices as local kinematical replacement for CCR, and representations by pxp matrices over Galois fields.
- 43
- Riemannian Geometry
- A set of postscript lecture notes for a graduate level course on Riemannian geometry.
- 45
- Minkowskian Geometry
- Includes a set of supplementary notes that provide an introduction to Minkowskian geometry and a toolkit for constructing figures.
- 46
- Non-Euclidean Geometry
- A historical account with links to biographies of some of the people involved.
- 47
- References for Non-Euclidean Geometry
- A bibliographic reference list of books and articles on non-Euclidean geometries, part of the MacTutor History of Mathematics archive.
- 49
- Spherical Trigonometry, Arc Distance Formula
- Finding the shortest distance between two points on the earth given latitude and longitude. Download ARC_CALC_3, Microsoft Excel version, A Spherical Triangle Calculator by James Q. Jacobs.
- 51
- An Introduction to Projective Geometry (for Computer Vision)
- A monograph aiming to provide a readable introduction to the field of projective geometry and a handy reference for some of the more important equations. HTML, PS or PDF versions.
- 52
- Lecture Notes on Projective Geometry
- By Balázs Csikós. Budapest Semesters in Mathematics. In DVI format.
- 54
- Projective Geometry for Multiple View Analysis
- A new framework for studying the problems of camera calibration, motion determination, and 3D structure reconstruction in the most general case of totally uncalibrated views.
- 55
- Hyper Dimensia
- Tutorial which aims to give readers an understanding of the fourth dimension by having them use a java applet to rotate a cube and a hypercube to see multiple views of the shapes at once.
- 56
- HyperCube by Harmen
- A short introduction to the fourth dimension, plus a hypercube java applet game.
- 58
- Guy's Polyhedra Pages
- Vertex figures, filling, faceting diagrams, stellation, defining polytopes through generators, trimethoric and trisynaptic polyhedra, space-filling polyhedra, lost stellations of the icosahedron, and links.