- 41
- The Wonders of Vedic Mathematics
- An alternative way of learning mathematics based on Sanskrit religious texts.
- 42
- Transum
- Free maths teaching and learning resources designed for both students and teachers in upper primary and lower secondary schools. Includes the "Starter of the Day".
- 43
- Truth About Math Standards and Math Reform
- Essays opposed to NCTM Standards-based math reform, with a number of essays by Bill Quirk.
- 44
- Waldomaths
- Interactive mathematics with Java applets and videos, written by a teacher, for the teaching and independent learning of secondary-level mathematics.
- 47
- Adults Learning Mathematics
- ALM is an international research forum bringing together researchers and practitioners in adult mathematics/numeracy teaching and learning in order to promote the learning of mathematics by adults. Based in London, UK.
- 48
- American Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges (AMATYC)
- Concerned with the quality of curriculum, professional training and student learning. Includes contact information, meetings, workshops, committees, publications, as well as affiliate links.
- 49
- Association for Mathematical Didactics
- German society for mathematical didactics. Contact details, publications and links. [German, English]
- 50
- Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators
- A non-profit organization created to promote the improvement of mathematics teacher education in all its aspects. Based at the Center for Research in Mathematics and Science Education, San Diego State University.
- 51
- Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers (AAMT)
- Group activities, membership details, announcements, events, and special materials for teachers.
- 52
- British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics
- For researchers into better teaching methods in the field. Includes publications, meetings, resources.
- 53
- Center for Mathematics, Science, and Technology
- Purpose of group is to help in the advance of learning and teaching of mathematics, science, and technology so that students of all ages can thrive in a technological world. Services includes educational modules and school scholarships. Located at Illinois State University.
- 54
- Clay Mathematics Institute
- Sponsors events for talented high school students, professional symposia, and diseminating new research news in the field. Includes goals and details of ongoing projects. Located in Cambridge, MA.
- 55
- Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications (COMAP)
- A non-profit organization, whose mission is to improve mathematics education for students of all ages.
- 57
- International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
- Promotes international contacts and the exchange of scientific information in the psychology of mathematics education. Organization details, guidelines and latest news.
- 58
- Minnesota Council of Teachers of Mathematics
- Resources for information and communication concerning: - Upcoming Conferences and Events - MCTM Organizational Information - Internet Resources for Mathematics
- 59
- National Association for Numeracy and Mathematics in Colleges (NANAMIC)
- An association of further education, tertiary and sixth form colleges in the UK. Aims to assist members in developing quality in all aspects of their work in mathematics and numeracy. Newsletters and details of activities and events.