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- Mathematical Biosciences
- Elsevier Science journal that publishes research and expository papers on the formulation, analysis and solution of mathematical models in the biosciences. Intended audience includes both mathematicians and biologists working in this area.
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- The International Journal of Biostatistics
- Aims and scope, editorial board, policies, and author instructions. Online archive with abstracts; full text available to subscribers.
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- European Society for Mathematical and Theoretical Biology
- The society aims for a lively exchange on research in mathematical and theoretical biology. This goal is pursued by the organization of summer schools and conferences, by the European Communications (the former Newsletter) and information on the web-site.
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- Institute for Medical BioMathematics
- IMBM is an independent research institute. Its main purposes include biomathematical research of cellular, immunological and cancer growth processes, research into optimization methods for therapy of cancer and pathogenic diseases, and research into optimization methods for vaccination programs.
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- Berger, Bonnie
- Professor of Applied Mathematics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and head of the Computation and Biology group
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- Cinquin, Olivier
- Publications in theoretical biology and biochemistry. Areas of special interest include somitogenesis, molecular "switches" acting in cellular differentiation, bHLH dimerization networks, and morphogen gradients.
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- Hastings Alan
- Department of Environmental Science and Policy, University of California Davis, CA, USA. Theoretical ecology and population biology.
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- Van Iersel, Leo
- Technical University Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Algorithms for computational biology using combinatorial mathematics and the construction of level-k phylogenetic networks.
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- (Canada) University of British Columbia
- Institute of Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Biology programme. Applying mathematics to immunology, epidemiology, cell biology, electrophysiology, ecology, game theory and evolution.
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- (Portugal) Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Oeiras
- Marie Curie Excellence Team on the epidemiology of recurrent infections in the Theoretical Epidemiology Group. Publications, people, meetings, resources.
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- (UK) University of Cambridge
- Cambridge Computational Biology Institute. Details of research and related teaching.
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- (UK) University of Oxford
- Centre for Mathematical Biology. Research Interests: Spatial and spatiotemporal pattern formation; Wound healing; Mathematical Modelling to Improve Cancer Therapy; Analysis of travelling waves and ecological applications; Enzyme kinetics; Individual to Collective Behaviour in Ecology; The dynamics of populations in ecological systems. Site has preprints, meetings, other links.
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- MATCH: Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry
- Contents, some abstracts and sections online.