- 21
- Iwasawa, Kazuhiro
- Royal Bank of Scotland. Mathematical finance. Site contains research papers as well as math and computing links.
- 22
- Jameson, Graham
- Lancaster University. Banach spaces and operator ideals; classical inequalities related to linear operators; (very) analytic number theory. Publications, resources.
- 23
- O'Neil, Toby Christoper
- Open University. Real analysis and measure theory. Research papers and conference talks.
- 25
- Handbook of Analysis and its Foundations (HAF)
- Eric Schechter (AP, 1996) available in printed and CR-ROM editions. Preface, table of contents and other excerpts.
- 26
- Mathematical Analysis I
- This text by Elias Zakon covers the basic topics of undergraduate real analysis including: metric spaces, function limits and continuity, sequences and series of functions, power series, and differentiation and integration.
- 28
- (Austria) Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
- Institute for Analysis. Staff, activities, publications.
- 30
- (USA) Carnegie Mellon University
- Center for Nonlinear Analysis. People, publications, events, links.
- 31
- Global Analysis Group at the University of Bonn
- People, research and a description of global analysis with a list of important results from the field.
- 32
- Landau Center for Research in Mathematical Analysis
- The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Research in analysis and related areas. People, events and preprints.
- 33
- University of Crete, Greece
- The Fourier and functional analysis research group. Events, research, preprints and links.
- 34
- University of Sydney, Australia
- Analysis research group. Harmonic analysis, functional analysis, analytic number theory, convex analysis and probability. Calendar, publications and people.
- 35
- Harmonic Function Theory and Mathematica
- Performs symbolic manipulation of expressions that arise in the study of harmonic functions. This software is available electronically without charge.
- 36
- Oxford Functional Analysis Group
- The interests of the group are diverse ranging from topological aspects of the geometry of Banach spaces, through operator systems, to topics bordering on probability and differential equations.
- 37
- SISSA: Functional Analysis and Applications: Nonlinear Analysis research group
- (International School for Advanced Studies in Italy) non-linear analysis