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Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute

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Scan day: 09 February 2014 UTC
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Description: This institute, located in Ithaca, NY, offers affordable classes, permaculture design certification and workshops for sustainable living within the context of northeastern US ecosystems.
Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute Immerse yourself in 15 days of design and practice. Experienced teachers on a functioning permaculture site create a vibrant learning community. Education to connect people with the environment and each other. . . Training to design regenerative ecosystems and resilient communities. . .
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Page title:Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute
Keywords:Permaculture design certification New York Ithaca Finger Lakes discipline systems gardens farms homesteads urban ecological permaculture principles natural method sustainable healthy abundant landscapes permaculture movement organizations permaculture demonstration sites training permaculture design alternative wealth communities resources Bill Mollison David Holmgren design sustainable systems methodology permaculture framework ethics principles earth Permaculture gardening techniques building systems thinking approach permaculture garden home design permaculture green eco planning sustainable society natural building small-scale agriculture non-violent communication right livelihood appropriate technology permaculture practitioners permaculture designers backyard forest community
Description:The Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute (FLPCI) offers opportunities to learn sustainable, ecological design methods including workshops, study groups, apprentice programs, and the intensive Permaculture Design Certification Course.