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Eden Garden Antiques

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Scan day: 17 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Demolition of Victorian buildings yield reclaimed timber for beams and flooring. 100-year old timber is light weight, will not warp and is environmentally better than new. (Cumbria, UK)
architectural reclamation and salvage, reclaimed timber for flooring and antique salvage for UK and export Reclaimed oak for flooring or wall panels: 1 metre squares of 18mm thick boards to the design as shown.
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Page title:architectural reclamation and salvage, reclaimed timber for flooring and antique salvage for UK and export
Keywords:trough, stone trough, sandstone trough, reclamation, salvage, recycle, refurbish, conversion, low-carbon, green, floor, salvaged wood, sustainable timber, building materials, real wood floor, building a green home, reclaimed timber, sustainable building, green building, hardwood floor, reclaimed floor, recycled building material, heart pine, hardwood flooring, oak floor, oak flooring, heart pine flooring, timber floor, reused wood, reclaimed lumber, tropical hardwood, wide board floor, oak beam, reclaimed stone, Victorian floor, Victorian timber, demolition material, mahogany, flooring, pine, reclaim, renovate, architect, architectural, reclaimed floorboard, recycled, oak, pine, pitch pine, board, plank, tongue and groove, salvage, demolition, antique, architectural heritage,
Description:Victorian and old timber recycled into cut boards; oak pine flooring