MainScienceEnvironmentOzone Layer › The Ozone Hole Tour

The Ozone Hole Tour

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Scan day: 03 February 2014 UTC
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Description: An overview of the ozone layer and the development of the ozone hole over the Antarctic hosted by the Centre of Atmospheric Science, University of Cambridge.
The Ozone Hole Tour : Home Page Visited over 3500 times a week! Feedback & 'Ask a Scientist!' , Cambridge University, UK. No text or graphics can be used or reproduced without explicit written permission. This version designed and maintained by
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Page title:The Ozone Hole Tour : Home Page
Keywords:ozone, ozone hole, ozone hole tour, stratosphere, polar ozone, lower stratosphere, TOMS, chlorine, CFC, PSC, polar stratospheric clouds, dobson, spectrometer, EASOE, SESAME, THESEO, measurement, ozonesonde, Centre for Atmospheric Science, Cambridge University
Description:The Ozone Hole Tour is a multimedia educational journey of discovery. Find out about the history of the discovery of the hole, the science behind it and what scientists are doing to understand it.