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Infochange - India

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Scan day: 03 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Comprehensive resource with daily updates, news and views on the development sector in India with focus innovations in pollution control and environment care in India. Includes information on eco-friendly initiatives.
InfoChange India News & Features development news India Individual tastes and interests are the basics for... Thank you Richard Toppo! Your article is nicely ar... Agra turns out 250,000 pairs of shoes every day. Most of them are made by invisible home-workers at the bottom of the global supply chain, who earn as little as Rs 30 a pair
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Page title:InfoChange India News & Features development news India
Keywords:News, analysis, reports, opinions from India on poverty, livelihoods, inequality, caste, dalits, adivasis, social exclusion, religious minorities, microfinance, gender, sexuality, women, children, human rights, laws, society, environment, ecology, natural disasters, displacement, education, public health, sustainable development, social justice, NGOs, civil society, rural and urban governance, RTI, infrastructure, rural development, urbanisation, population, water, natural resources, government policy, globalisation, liberalisation, trade and development, disabilities, agriculture, food security, corporate social responsibility, IT for development, documentary films, media, cultural diversity
Description:News and analysis on development and social issues in India