Hazardous Materials
- 41
- Reliance Environmental Services
- Colorado firm offers asbestos removal, consultation and mitigation and toxic mold remediation in both residential and commercial properties.
- 42
- Safety & Environmental Services Australia
- Provide consulting services for asbestos and hazardous materials contamination and recovery, including inspection and testing services, risk assessment, air monitoring and asbestos compliance.
- 43
- Santia Asbestos Management Services
- Asbestos training, consulting and management service provider. Includes details of the services offered, training and project management.
- 44
- Sureclean Ltd
- Offers a wide range of industrial cleaning and waste disposal services. Includes company profile, details of their capabilities, case studies, and contacts.
- 45
- Sydney Asbestos Removal
- Offers professional asbestos survey, removal and encapsulation services in New South Wales, Australia.
- 46
- Valor Technologies, Inc.
- Demolition and asbestos abatement in the Chicago area by an MBE/DBE enterprise company.
- 47
- Wades Demolition and Asbestos Removal
- Asbestos removal and demolition contractors based in UK. Services include demolition, asbestos removal, soft strip and site clearance.
- 48
- West Coast Thermal contractors
- Asbestos survey, disposal and thermal insulation service specialists in Cumbria, UK.
- 49
- Hazardous Waste Clean-Up Information (CLU-IN)
- Information about innovative treatment technology for the hazardous waste remediation community. Programs, organizations, publications, and other tools. Developed by the U.S. EPA, but intended as a forum for all waste. remediation stakeholders.
- 50
- 2 The 4 Technology Solutions
- Collection of articles on soil/groundwater remediation technology and the general understanding of the biogeochemical dynamics of the subsurface.
- 51
- Australian Enviro Services
- Blog providing general information on the procedures used in site remediation and discussing actual remediation projects.
- 52
- Cleaning up Former Methamphetamine Labs
- Basic guidelines to assist property owners and the general public in sanitizing and making residences safe after this type of toxic exposure.
- 53
- Envirotreat
- Describes an advanced (proprietary) stabilization/solidification technology for the clean-up of contaminated land and hazardous wastes (for in-situ or ex-situ applications).
- 54
- Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable
- Provides technical information on technologies for waste site cleanup.
- 55
- Field Specialties Inc
- Offers tank cleaning and bottom removing services. Provide information about industrial degassing, company products, services, and contact information.
- 56
- State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners
- Organization comprised of representatives of U.S. states with established dry-cleaner remediation programs. Research findings and other information on site assessment and remediation technologies in use for remediation of dry-cleaner sites.
- 57
- Technology Tree
- Intended to provide a user-friendly tool for (mostly U.S.) communities affected by waste remediation issues. The Technology Tree Matrix is a tool for identifying technology to characterize and clean up hazardous waste sites. Resource Page has web site links, points of contact for federal agencies, and a list of independent technical consultants whose clients are mainly public stakeholders.
- 58
- 4R Environmental Consultants
- Offers waste management consulting services and solutions, environmental impact assessment, anaerobic digestion, soil analysis and improvement services.