Environmental Health
- 61
- National Environmental Health Association
- NEHA offers a variety of programs, education, employment opportunities, and various other products and services to those in the environmental field.
- 62
- Clark Seif Clark Inc.
- Environmental consultants with expertise in health concerns including asbestos abatement, asbsetos cleanup, mold abatement, black mold, industrial hygiene, workplace health and safety, home health and safety, sick buildings, indoor air quality and site monitoring.
- 63
- E.nvironmental Assay Inc.
- Provides information on major indoor environmental irritants including indoor air quality and electromagnetic fields, with links to specific resources. Offers residential inspection services and includes links to nationwide building biologists.
- 64
- Gene Amplification International
- Consultants in genomics and bioinformatics, specifically acquired genetic disorders due to exposure of humans living near uncontrolled hazardous waste sites.
- 65
- HMA, Inc.
- Consulting services in the environmental health sciences; building inspections; samples for analysis for asbestos and/or lead paint. Web site has information about several indoor environmental health topics.
- 66
- Hygienetics Environmental
- A national consulting firm specializing in environmental and occupational hygiene services.
- 67
- Sheltertech Corporation
- Specializes in site assessment, asbestos consulting and removal, mold remediation and demolition. Services and contact information. Based in St Paul, Minnesota.
- 68
- Ecologic Systems
- Provides description of products for asbestos and lead-based paint management, safety and hazardous materials management, and regulatory tracking.
- 69
- Radiation Health Physics - Oregon State University
- Describes programs of study and provides information on health physics, including a glossary, plus information on the physical aspects of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, their biological effects, and methods of radiological protection.
- 70
- National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements
- NCRP is a U.S. organization that seeks to formulate and disseminate information, guidance and recommendations on radiation protection and measurements which represent the consensus of leading scientific thinking.
- 71
- RADSAFE is a UK consortium of organisations that have come together to offer mutual assistance in the event of a transport accident involving radioactive materials belonging to a RADSAFE member.
- 72
- Radiation Research Society
- Encourages advancement of radiation research in all areas of the natural sciences. Offers publications, membership information, jobs, funding and fellowship, newsletters, and graduate education information.
- 73
- American Radiation Services, Inc.
- A radiological laboratory and services company providing a variety of cost effective services to both government and industry.
- 74
- Atomic Energy Industrial Lab (AEIL)
- Houston, Texas based company provides radiation safety (health physics) services to the medical, industrial and research community. Services include dosimetry (film and TLD badges), leak and wipe test analysis for radioactive materials, and portable survey instrument calibrations.
- 75
- IonActive Consulting Limited
- Provides a radiological (Radiation Protection Adviser) service and training to small users of ionising radiation in the UK, Middle East, and worldwide. Describes services and lists clients.
- 76
- NukePills.com
- Provides information about radiation detection, decontamination, and preparedness and sells potassium iodide pills to protect the thyroid during nuclear emergencies.
- 77
- RSSI: Radiation Safety Services, Inc
- Offers health physics and radiological health consulting dedicated to the protection of workers and the public. Laboratory includes: instrument calibration, radionuclide assays, leak tests, and radon monitors.
- 78
- Radiation Safety Network
- Provides radiation safety and radiation protection resources for radiation safety officers and radiation users. Information for radiation safety training, radiation safety services, and radiation control/government agency contacts is included.