MainScienceEnvironmentConferences › International Conference on Climate Change 2009

International Conference on Climate Change 2009

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Scan day: 03 February 2014 UTC
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Description: This conference will be held in Hong Kong from 6-9 October 2009. Important climate issues to be highlighted are: low carbon finance, energy efficiency, low carbon technology and green supply chains, and sustainability of our organizations and communities.
We are delighted to invite you to the Second International Conference on Climate Change ) on 7-9 October 2009 in Hong Kong. , the conference will bring together leading experts from a wide range of disciplines to discuss the impact realities of climate change. It also serves as an important regional platform for stakeholders to enter into dialogue on policies and new strategies in sustaining business growth and managing risk in the context of climate change.
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Page title:ICCC2009 Home
Keywords:environment protection energy & environment low carbon economy carbon offsets global climate change low carbon business hong kong copenhagen cop15 low carbon finance energy efficiency green supply chains pearl river delta region effects of global warming climate change conference sustainable environment human impact on environment environment impact assessment climate mitigation csr programs
Description:The 2nd International Conference on Climate Change – ICCC2009 – will be held in Hong Kong from 7-9 October 2009. ICCC2009 aims to strengthen capabilities to develop a low carbon economy, with a deeper understanding of drivers and challenges in China and the region. Important climate issues to be highlighted are: low carbon finance, energy efficiency, low carbon technology and green supply chains and sustainability of our organizations and communities.