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Science Explained

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Scan day: 01 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Online science lessons on a wide variety of subjects, including the cloning of Dolly the sheep, the Montserrat volcano, water on the Moon, Martian fossils, and the "chicken flu."
Science Explained - your review of science you want to know! On these pages you can learn about the exciting things going on in the world of science. Anyone interested in expanding their knowledge of nature and the universe will find this website useful.
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Page title:Science Explained - your review of science you want to know!
Keywords:science explained, Science Explained, science, chemistry, biology, physics, astronomy, geology, meteorology, books, web sites, reviews, recommendations, learning, understanding, educational ,education, school, teach, reports, updates, news, science, scientist, biologist, chemist, physicist, geologist, meteorologist, astronomer, life, living, chemicals, actions, stars, planets, universe, rocks, weather, clone, volcano, Martians, coriolis force, explained, taught, learned, understood, sciences, science education, chemistry education, biology education, physics education, astronomy education, geology education, meteorology education, animal, plant, virus, bacteria, atom, molecule, chemical reactions, periodic table, fun, exciting, new
Description:Learn exciting science. Science books and web sites reviewed and recommended. Topical, interesting, educational, learning from an experienced science teacher.