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Institute for Arctic and Alpine Research Research Glaciology Group, University of Colorado

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Scan day: 17 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Research and reference information on ice-flow dynamics and calving, sub-glacial and englacial hydrology, permafrost, glaciers and sea-level change, climate change and glacier mass balance, heat exchange within snow packs, and related topics.
Welcome to INSTAAR - The Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research at CU-Boulder | INSTAAR | CU-Boulder Studying erosion rates on Baffin Island: Kurt Refsnider evaluates a rock outcrop, searching for an optimal site to sample for cosmogenic radionuclide analysis to evaluate long-term erosion rates. Photo by Matthew Kennedy, Earth Vision Trust, August 2013.
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Page title:Welcome to INSTAAR - The Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research at CU-Boulder | INSTAAR | CU-Boulder
Keywords:instaar institute arctic alpine research university colorado earth science climate paleoclimatology
Description:The Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research conducts interdisciplinary research in earth system science and climate dynamics to better understand past, present, and future change in high-latitude, alpine, and global environments.