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Late Cretaceous Dinosaurs of the Southeastern United States

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Scan day: 05 March 2014 UTC
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Description: Information from a class called Alabama Dinosaurs at Auburn University.
Cretaceous Dinosaurs of the Southeastern United States D Late Cretaceous Dinosaurs of the Southeastern United States     Department of Geology, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849-5305 USA         Late Cretaceous dinosaurs of the southeastern U.S. comprise 46 specimens that are divided into four taxonomic groups: tyrannosaurids (12); hadrosaurines (22); ornithomimids (12); and nodosaurs (5). These same taxomomic groups characterize the balance of eastern North American dinosaurs from New Jersey-Delaware-Maryland. The first three taxonomic groups above occur first in strata that are significantly older than any related first occurrences in both western North America and the Atlantic Coastal Plain north of North Carolina, and these three groups may have entered eastern North America directly from Asian or European habitats via an Atlantic Ocean crossing. In contrast, the southeastern nodosaur group is younger than counterparts in western North America and Europe. Regarding the Western Interior Seaway, third-order sea-level falls seem to have affected timing of dinosaurian migrations into and out of eastern North America. Further, Late Cretaceous southeastern paleogeography and thus amount of dinosaur living space was strongly affected by third-order sea-level changes. There are three modes of occurrence of dinosaurian bones: (1) shallow-marine concentrations; (2) shallow-shelf tempestites; and (3) shelfal accumulations.
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Page title:Cretaceous Dinosaurs of the Southeastern United States D
Keywords:rder sea-level changes. There are three modes of occurrence of dinosaurian bones: (1) shallow- marine concentrations; (2) shallow-shelf tempestites; and (3) c
Description:nes (22); ornithomimids (12); and nodosaurs (5). These same taxomomic groups characterize the balance of eastern North American dinosaurs from New Jersey- Delaware-Maryland. The first three taxonomic groups above occur first in strata that are significantly older than related first occurrences in both western North America and the Atlantic Coastal Plain north of North Carolina, and these three groups may have entered eastern North America directly from Asian or European habitats via an Atlantic Ocean crossing. In contrast, the southeastern nodosaur group is younger than counterparts in western North America and Europe. Third-order sea-level falls seem to have affected timing of dinosaurian migrations into and out of eastern North America where the Western Interior Seaway is concerned. Further, Late Cretaceous southeastern paleogeography and thus amount of dinosaur living space was strongly affected by third-order sea-level changes. There are three modes of occur


activated: 12-May-1988
last updated: 22-Feb-2013
expires: 31-Jul-2014