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International Earth Rotation & Reference Systems Service

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Scan day: 09 February 2014 UTC
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Description: The NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory IERS Special Bureau for the Oceans collects, calculates, analyzes, archives, and distributes data relating to non-tidal changes in oceanic processes affecting the Earth's rotation, deformation, gravitational field, and geocenter.
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology California Institute of Technology Welcome to the IERS Special Bureau for the Oceans home page! The oceans have a major impact on global geophysical processes of the Earth. Non-tidal changes in oceanic currents and ocean-bottom pressure have been shown to be a major source of polar motion excitation and also measurably change the length of the day. The changing mass distribution of the oceans causes the Earth's gravitational field to change and causes the center-of-mass of the oceans to change which in turn causes the center-of-mass of the solid Earth to change. The changing mass distribution of the oceans also changes the load on the oceanic crust, thereby affecting both the vertical and horizontal position of observing stations located near the oceans. Recognizing the important role that non-tidal oceanic processes play in Earth rotation dynamics and terrestrial reference frame definition, the International Earth Rotation Service, now known as the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (
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Page title:NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology
Keywords:mercury, venus, moon, earth, mars, saturn, uranus, neptune, pluto, solar system, universe, rover, rovers, cassini, mars phoenix, mars reconnaissance orbiter, mars odyssey, cloudsat, dawn mission, epoxi, galaxy evolution explorer, galex, jason 2, quikscat, quick scatterometer, spitzer space telescope, stardust mission, voyager mission, robot, robotics, spacecraft, deep space, probe, deep space exploration, extrasolar, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, JPL, NASA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Caltech, California Institute of Technology,
Description:The Jet Propulsion Laboratory is the lead U.S. center for robotic exploration of the solar system, and conducts major programs in space-based Earth sciences and astronomy. JPL spacecraft have visited all of the planets from Mercury to Neptune.


Status: ACTIVE