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National Academy of Science of Ukraine: Institute of Geophysics

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Description: Research includes studies of tectonics, structure, geodynamics and evolution of the continental and oceanic lithosphere, geophysical studies of the environment, and the elaboration of technological automated systems for the processing and interpretation of geophysical information.
Main | Institute of Geophysics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine The Institute of Geophysics (IGP) of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine was organized on the 23rd of December 1960 in Kiev as a result of integration of Geophysical Laboratory and Magnetic Station of the Institute of Geological Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of Ukrainian SSR, geophysical departments and stations of the Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources of the Ac.Sci.Ukr.SSR and the Section of Seismology of the Ac.Sci.Ukr.SSR with the aim of cooperation between scientists in the fields of fundamental, experimental and applied geophysics. The founder and the first Director of the Institute (from 1960 to 1976) was the famous geophysicist S.I.Subbotin who played an important role in the development of the main lines of geophysical science in Ukraine. The leading geophysicists of the Republic of the day joined the Institute: I.A.Balabushevich, V.N.Golovtsyn, V.V.Kravets, Z.A.Krutikhovskaya, T.S.Lebedev, N.P. Mikhaylova, G.T.Sobakar, V.B.Sollogub, A.V.Chekunov. The first postgraduates of the IGP were S.S.Krasovsky, E.K.Lossovsky, A.N.Tretyak (all of them became Doctors of Science). To memorize the name of the Academician S.I.Subbotin the Institute was named after him in 1978, and on the 13th of June 1981 a memorial plaque was opened on its front wall with the bronze sculpture portrait of the Academician S.I.Subbotin. Since 1998 the prize named after S.I.Subbotin has been set up in the
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Page title:Main | Institute of Geophysics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords:science, geophysics, research, NASU, Subbotin
Description:Institute of Geophysics


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