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Geomatrix Earth Science Ltd.

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Description: Sales and rental of new and used exploration geophysical instrumentation.
Geomatrix - Milton Keynes, Geophysical Instrumentation Suppliers Geophysical Equipment Source for Sales and Rentals Geomatrix Earth Science Ltd offers one of the largest short term hire pool of near surface Geophysical Instrumentation in Europe. We are retained as exclusive sales representatives by many of the leading geophysical instrument and software manufacturers for products such as GPR, magnetometers, seismographs, gamma ray spectrometers, EM sounding and profiling instruments Gravity meters and resistivity meters.
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Page title:Geomatrix - Milton Keynes, Geophysical Instrumentation Suppliers
Keywords:Geophysical equipment sales, Geophysical instrument Rentals, geophysical equipment rental, GPR, hydrographic survey equipment, Geonics, Geometrics, IRIS Instruments, Mt Sopris, L3 Elac, Ground Probing Radar, GPR, magnetometers, Electrical resistivity, Electromagnetic Instruments, seismographs, Ref Tek, resistivity imaging, echo sounders, vibration monitors, vibration monitoring, used geophysical instruments, Stratagem, CSAMT, Magnetotelluric, tilt sensors, fluxgate compass, EM, Utility Detection, land seismic streamer, digital marine streamer, Geomar, Archaeological prospection
Description:Geomatrix are Milton Keynes based company specialisig in the sale and rental of Geophysical Exploration Instrumentation