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Sydney Mineral Exploration Discussion Group

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Description: Notices of meetings and events of interest to geoscientists and those involved in mineral exploration. Links to related Australian and international sites
Sydney Mineral Exploration Discussion Group - Mineral Explorers' Web Site & Portal - Geology Geophysics Geochemistry in Mineral Exploration 地质勘探网站 – 中文版本
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Page title:Sydney Mineral Exploration Discussion Group - Mineral Explorers' Web Site & Portal - Geology Geophysics Geochemistry in Mineral Exploration 地质勘探网站 – 中文版本
Keywords:mineral+exploration geology geochemistry geophysics minerals harbour cruise rocks, exploration copper lead zinc nickel gold silver cobalt uranium diamonds portal platinum palladium porphyry mineral+sands opal geologists explorers symposium symposia Sydney Australia discussion seminars mineral minerals exploration publications la geologie geologie exploration minerale mineralerforschung geochimie symposia geologist geoscientist geochemie geophysique geophysik histoires de cas fallgeschicten cuivre or opale kobalt diamants geologue roche felsen colloque zusammenstellung zink argent silber fil de sortie minerai leitung porphyre struktur exploitation bergbau ubersetzen tradusient des liens Archaean Proterozoic Ordovician Silurian Devonian Siluro-Devonian mineral exploration ore deposits Yilgarn Lachlan Fold Belt Mount Isa Pine Creek Geosyncline Kalgoorlie Cobar Zeehan Molong Dubbo Orange Broken Hill Tennant Creek Gympie Cracow Parkes Bendigo Ballarat Beaconsfield Olympic+Dam Queenstown Mount+Lyell New England Fold Belt Curnamona Giles Complex Gawler Craton Musgrave Wiluna Leonora Laverton Hill End Adelong Halls Creek Willyama Complex Georgetown Inlier Thomson Orogen Delamarian Orogen Koonenberry Belt 地质勘探网站 – 中文版本
Description:Sydney Mineral Exploration Discussion Group (SMEDG) ore deposit discovery case histories, techniques, methods & descriptions. SMEDG organises Talks, Symposia and Social Events for people with an interest in mineral exploration, wine and beer. This site and portal provides Meeting Notices,Geoscientific Papers with maps and diagrams, Abstracts of Talks, Powerpoint presentations,Publications and Links to useful and related sites including translations. SMEDG is a non-profit organisation run by a volunteer committee