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Scan day: 17 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Information about the effects sea level change on coastal geomorphology from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.
Hazards of Sea Level Rise: An Introduction Sea level is rising worldwide and is caused by both natural and human factors. Most research indicates that sea level is rising approximately 2mm/yr. Although 2 mm/yr. seems to be a relatively small amount of change, a small increase in sea level can have devastating effects. Other factors such as glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) are causing coastal lands to sink, increasing the rate of sea level rise for those areas. Fortunately, in some areas of the world, GIA is causing land to rise allowing for some compensation to rising sea level. Since greater than 75 percent of the human population will live within 60 km of a coast by 2000 [Michener et al., 1997], it is important that the effects of any change in sea level rise are studied. There is no physical capacity that humans have to protect against long term sea level rise. The key to coping with sea level rise is education of the effects and accurate assessments of hazards for given points in time. In this way, humans can act decisively and appropriately to minimize loss of life, and economic and ecological impacts. Education is the only long-term, far-reaching solution to sea level rise.
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