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Boudinage, Ore Deposits, and Crustal Tectonics

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Scan day: 09 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Information about how boudinage structures control the location and formation of ore deposits, and an analogue model for crustal tectonics.
E-Book - Plate Tectonics and this Expanding Earth "Plate Tectonics and This Expanding Earth" - Incorporating the Earth's spin in geodynamics - ..... ..  .   ... ................ Using a mix of tactics to challenge a monolithic and moribund consensus view, the author incisively and mercilessly dissects the arguments for Plate Tectonics and rejects them in favour of an Earth that is getting bigger.  In a series of short expositions advocating Earth expansion he invites the reader to contemplate a perspective on the planet that is vastly different from the one he has probably come to know, one that involves dilation and torsion on a stupendous scale.    (..
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Page title:E-Book - Plate Tectonics and this Expanding Earth
Keywords:book plate tectonics, expanding Earth, earth expansion, alternative, view,
Description:The change from Plate Tectonics to the Expanding Earth