- 101
- RockWare - Earth Science Software
- Developer and reseller of more than 300 software packages for the earth sciences. Applications include petroleum, mining, environmental, forestry, atmospheric science and archaeology.
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- Rockmate Technical Services
- Maker of software to optimize drilling and blasting in surface mines and quarries in addition to reducing the environmental impact of blasting. Other products include GPS vehicle management and ground modelling system.
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- StreamSim Technologies, Inc.
- Offers software for analyzing fluid flow through large and heterogeneous geological models.
- 104
- A Radiometric Dating Resource List
- Large annotated directory of internet resources on radiocarbon and other radioactive dating methods, including creationists' views and scientific critiques of those views.
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- Radiometric Dating: A Christian Perspective
- Presents a broad overview of radiometric dating techniques and refutes various misconceptions held by Christians who doubt these methods because they contradict their beliefs in a young earth.
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- Radiometric Time Scale
- Discusses the uses of limitations of different radiometric dating techniques.
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- Theoretical and Applied Karstology
- An annual journal dedicated to karst and caves science. Online edition, manuscripts submission and instructions for authors, links related to speleology or karstology
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- British Society for Geomorphology
- The BSG promotes the field of geomorphology, encouraging interests in earth surface processes and the erosion, deposition and formation of landforms and sediments.
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- International Association of Geomorphologists
- Scientific, non-governmental and non-profit organisation whose principal objectives are development and promotion of geomorphology as a science through international co-operation and dissemination of knowledge of geomorphology.
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- Canadian Karst Resources and Issues
- Discussions, papers, glossary of terminology as well as Canada related links.
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- Cave Research Foundation
- Dedicated to documenting, studying and protecting caves and karst resources, USA.
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- Encyclopaedia Speleologica Practicorum
- An extensive encyclopedia about caves and karst, people, techniques and cultural phenomena connected with caves.
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- Karst Dynamics Laboratory
- Institute based in Guilin, China undertaking research that includes the development of karst water resources, the carbon cycle in karst and geological hazards.
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- Karst in British Columbia
- Discusses origin and distribution of karst landscapes and caves in this Canadian province, ecological aspects, aboriginal uses, recreation and tourism, and management and protection.
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- Karst of Montenegro
- Descriptions, discussion, and maps of the geology and distribution of karst in this region.
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- Karst of Serbia and Montenegro
- The geology and distribution of karst in Yugoslavia, some interesting karst areas, caves and other karst features.
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- National Speleological Society
- Advancing the study, conservation, exploration, and knowledge of caves. Although primary focus is on recreation, site has extensive information and links about caves and karst.