Academic Departments
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- Cambridge University Department of Earth Sciences
- Information about the activities of the department, research, admissions, teaching, and facilities.
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- International institute for aerospace survey and earth sciences, offering education and training.
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- Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences
- Provides information on this Institute at Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary, the organizational units and the education. English and Hungarian.
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- North Carolina State University Department of Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences,
- Offers BA, BS, MS, and PhD degrees in marine sciences, geology and meteorology. Focus areas include weather prediction, air quality, air-sea interactions, climate modeling, hydrology, geochemistry, and surface processes.
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- Syracuse Universe Department of Earth Sciences
- Fall 2002 seminar and spring 2002 course syllabi, showing facilities and equipment at the Geology Laboratory at Syracuse University.
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- University of California Riverside: Department of Earth Sciences
- Information on the department, the graduate and undergraduate programs, research and field trips.
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