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STN International on the Web

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Scan day: 01 February 2014 UTC
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Description: An online scientific and technical information service (subscription required) that provides access to more than 200 in-depth databases in science and technology to offer direct links to the scientific literature, patents, and chemical catalogs.
Power of STN -- Convenience of the Web! STN's complete functionality for searching an unparalleled collection of essential science and technology databases is available at the following web sites:
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Page title:STN on the Web
Keywords:STN on the Web, STN International, chemistry, chemical information, CAS Registry numbers, substance, biochemistry, life sciences, pharmaceuticals, physics, math, computer sciences, engineering, international patents, general science, Material Safety Data Sheets, online searching, Chemical Abstracts Service, FIZ Karlsruhe, Japan ScienceTechnology, Information Center, JICST
Description:STN International is the online scientific and technical information service dedicated to meeting the information needs of scientists, engineers, and information professionals throughout the world. STN provides a complete collection of in-depth databases in science and technology to give you quick, direct links to the literature, patents, and chemical catalogs. STN on the Web combines the STN command functionality with web browser technology. The complete set of STN commands, as well as graphic chemical structure searching is available. Also available are browser features such as hyperlinks, images integrated in text, and context-sensitive help. STN on the Web also offers seamless access to electronic and paper full-text resources, as well as the wealth of STN's user documentation just a click away.