Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
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- nmrshiftdb2
- You enter the chemical shifts of your compound and it returns either the structure, a group of close structures or fragments.
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- A quick guide to NMR acronyms
- A long list of NMR terms and their definitions. Also includes lists of experiments and what they tell you.
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- Humorous Look at Filling Magnets
- Having a marvelous time filling your magnets with helium. Its really not this bad, but you will laugh.
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- NMR-Talk
- You can download a program that will allow you to "hear" the FID. Not in real time, and it only works on Windows, unless of course you have WINE installed.
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- The Lonely Struggle of the Long Distance Shimmer
- Chris Blake explains that the secret to shimming an NMR spectrometer is not to let the mind wander.
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- Junk Architects - MRI Suite Safety
- Architects specializing in design of MRI suites. Contains links to resources, articles and information on presentations on MRI suite safety issues.
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- MRI Safety
- A fairly complete run down of the usual magnet and RF safety rules as they pertain to a specific facility with a MRI system in place.
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- MRI magnet safety
- Updated, revised and significantly expanded version of the ACR's MR safety standard. Includes patient videos. [pdf]
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- MµShield Magnetic Shielding
- Magnetic Shield Design and Manufacturing. Monitor Enclosures designed to eliminate EMI, technical notes, heat treating.
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- SMRT Home Page( Society of MRI Technologists, International)
- MRI Technologist Society. Some safety information.