Academic Departments
- 21
- School of Chemistry and Physics, Keele University
- News, staff, research, information for applicants and undergraduates.
- 22
- School of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh
- Staff, research, undergraduate admissions, graduate school, positions, events, news, and facilities.
- 23
- School of Chemistry, University of Reading
- A site devoted to chemistry, chemistry degrees, chemistry research, undergraduate teaching, Department news, seminars and meetings, student information, useful links, and staff contact details.
- 24
- School of Chemistry, University of Southampton
- Lists opportunities for undergraduate and postgraduate study. Also describes current research areas.
- 25
- School of Physical Sciences, University of Kent
- centre for astrophysics and planetary Science, functional materials group, Applied optics group
- 26
- Chemistry Department , University of British Columbia
- Lists faculty, staff and research interests. Also gives information on undergraduate studies, including lists of programs and course outlines, and details of graduate studies including application information.
- 27
- Department of Chemistry, McMaster University
- Contains information, announcements and news from the department and lists faculty, staff, students, and research interests. Also contains schedules of seminars, colloquia and defenses of dissertations.
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- Department of Chemistry, Queen's University
- Lists undergraduate courses, graduate modules, and information on current research, including lists of recent publications. Also gives details of faculty members, staff and research students.
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- Department of Chemistry, University of Manitoba
- Offers a list of faculty and staff, information for undergraduates including current degree requirements, details of graduate programs, and a list of seminars.
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- Department of Chemistry, University of Toronto
- Gives information on graduate and undergraduate admissions, lists of faculty members and administrative staff. Also contains links to undergraduate course notes.
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- Department of Chemistry, York University
- Gives information on graduate and undergraduate programs, lists of faculty and administrative staff, and information on research areas.
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- Curtin School of Applied Chemistry
- Information about courses, units, and research in Applied Chemistry as part of Curtin University of Technology, Western Australia.
- 34
- Flinders University - School of Chemical and Physical Sciences
- A multidisciplinary school of experimental sciences. Includes information about teaching, research and staff.
- 35
- School of Chemistry, University of Melbourne
- Facilities and services, contact details, research summary, and coursework.
- 36
- School of Chemical and Physical Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington
- Has a major strategic focus on materials science. Find facilities, staff, research, vacancies, programmes, and general information.
- 37
- Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Alaska, Fairbanks
- Gives information on graduate and undergraduate programs, lists of faculty members and course schedules.
- 38
- Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Arizona State University
- Describes programs of undergraduate and graduate study and contains information on courses, seminars and facilities. Also lists faculty and research interests.