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Voracious Soil Amoebae

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Scan day: 17 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Image gallery of amoebae with large appetites, enveloping algae and other prey larger than themselves.
Image gallery of amoebae with large appetites I had assumed for many years that Amoebae fed exclusively on diatoms, bacteria, spores and cysts etc.. We have seen the food vacuoles frequently to support this either in the living state or by inspection of books on the matter. Recently, I was amazed to witness under the coverslip, about 20 soil amoeba engulfing more than seemed possible. They were in one way or another engulfing or injesting long bulky strands of algae, a surprising feat and feeding habit not known to me. At first I thought they were going through the motions of assessing the size of the 'prey' but soon realised as I viewed a few more that these were serious attempts to injest and digest the algae.
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Page title:Voracious Soil Amoebae
Description:Image gallery of amoebae with large appetites.