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Tussilago farfara

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Description: Photograph, description, distribution, ecology and economic significance of coltsfoot.
AgroAtlas - Weeds - Tussilago farfara L. - Tussilago farfara Family Asteraceae Dumort. (Compositae), Genus Tussilago L. Now in territory of the former USSR of subspecies is not present. Stem up to 5-25 cm in height, straight-stalked, woolly-fluffy, more or is less densely covered with oblong sheet scales. Inflorescence - single, 2-2,5 sm in diameter at fructification hanging. Leaves radical, appearing after flowering, heart-shaped, gear, from the bottom side - white - felt, from the top side - naked. Seeds golden-yellow, oblong, 3-4 mm in length, 0.4-0.5 mm in width and 0.25 mm thickness, with longitudinal edges, slightly tetrahedral, flattened, to the basis little bit narrowed, above truncated. Flying cop lagging behind, from thin and fragile silky hair. The plant blossoms before occurrence of leaves, very much early spring, now after thawing a snow, since March up to the middle of May. It is made multiple copies by seeds and rhizomes. One plant can form 5000-17000 seeds. Seeds are carried by a wind and, getting on damp ground, now sprout. Rhizomes settle down several circles at different levels and are far distributed in the parties(sides) (up to 2 Í) and deep into (sometimes from above 1 Í), grasping the big area. Rather thick rhizomes Tussilago differ juiciness and very big fragility. Thereof they easily break at processing ground and are taken away on a field by instruments. Each small fragment having 1 - 2 buds, is capable to sprout quickly. Tussilago forms continuous thrickets and gives such weight of leaves, that completely covers ground and suppresses cultural plants.
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Page title:AgroAtlas - Weeds - Tussilago farfara L. - Tussilago farfara
Keywords:interactive atlas map economic plant distribution area vegetation diseases pest weed USSR agriculture Russia geography GIS NIS biology photo nature geographic information system handbook ecological maps research investigation pictures download description


created: 2005.05.04
Last updated on 2014.03.05 09:56:39 MSK