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Sphaeropteris myosuroides

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Description: Description and photographs of this tree fern and its leaves.
Plants of Viñales: a pictorial guide - Sphaeropteris myosuroides Trunk approximately 5 m high; leaves 8-12; petiole brown to stramineous, 45-63 cm long, 1-2 cm wide, with abundant prickles 1-2 mm long, scaly towards the base, linear-lanceolate to linear, about 20 mm long, 3 mm wide, brown with unicolored setas, squamellae pubescent, deciduous, scattered, reddish; leaf-face oblong-ovate; rhachis, costas and costules not spiny, with scattered scales; scales ovate, flat, setas at apex, margins dark, hairs simple, dimorphic (some about 0.1 mm long, pallid red, appressed, others 0.2-0.4 mm long, off-white, almost upright); pinnas with petioles 5.5 cm long, alternate, numerous, ovate-oblong, 30-67 cm long, 13-22 cm wide, abruptly acuminate; approximately 32 pinnules each side of pinna, with petiolule 1-5 mm long, alternate, oblong, 5-12 cm long, 0.8-2 cm wide, with clefts up to very near the costule, acuminate; 18-25 segments on each side of the pinnule, broadly linear, 10-11 mm long, 1-3 mm wide, crenate to serrated, glabrous on the underside between veins; lateral veins 8-11, bifurcate; 6-7 sori, between the divisions of lateral vein; indusium absent; receptacle capitate, paraphyses catenular, abundant, transparent to light brown.
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Page title:Plants of Viñales: a pictorial guide - Sphaeropteris myosuroides