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Sinapis arvensis

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Description: Photograph, description, distribution, ecology and economic significance of charlock mustard.
AgroAtlas - Weeds - Sinapis arvensis L. - Charlock mustard. Family Brassicaceae Burnett (Cruciferae Juss.), genus Sinapis L. Stem is 10-100 cm tall; angulate, branched, covered with horizontally-tilted coarse simple hairs, often there are reddish-violet spots at base of branches. Lower leaves are petiolate, pinnatifid, unevenly-toothed along the edge, with roundish blunt upper lobe. Upper leaves are sessile, oblong-ovate, with pointed tip. Inflorescence is elongated raceme. Flowers are actinomorphic, consisting of four components; yellow petals are situated crosswise, twice as large as sepals. Fruit is silicle, consisting of two segments; lower segment is oblong-cylindrical, dehiscent, multi-seeded (up to 20 seeds), upper one is elongated into conical tetrahedral indehiscent, usually one-seeded beak, which is separated from the lower segment by wedge-shaped spindle. Silicle is ligneous, glabrous, stramineous, located on short and thick, slantwise-upward directed peduncles. Seeds are globular, dark-brown or almost black. It flowers in May-June, bears fruits in July-August. Maximum productivity is up to 20,000 seeds. Minimum temperature for seed germination is 2-4œC; optimum is 14-20œC. Fresh seeds germinate poorly because of their dormancy. Brown seeds have higher energy and speed of germination than black ones. Seeds germinate from depths of no more than 5-6 cm; their viability is maintained in soil for up to 10 years. Seeds partly keep their germinability while passing through the digestive system of animals.
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Page title:AgroAtlas - Weeds - Sinapis arvensis L. - Charlock mustard.
Keywords:interactive atlas map economic plant distribution area vegetation diseases pest weed USSR agriculture Russia geography GIS NIS biology photo nature geographic information system handbook ecological maps research investigation pictures download description


created: 2005.05.04
Last updated on 2014.03.05 09:31:31 MSK