Atriplex tatarica
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Description: Photograph, description, distribution, ecology and economic significance.
AgroAtlas - Weeds - Atriplex tatarica L. - Tatarian Orache. Family Chenopodiaceae Vent., genus Atriplex L. Atriplex laciniata L., Atriplex arenaria J.Woods. Plant is 10-100 cm in height, with straight stem that may lie horizontally along the ground. Leaves are alternate, petiolate, triangular-oblong or ovate-oblong; more seldom they are narrower, repand-serrate or lociniate; often hairy along the edge, very shortly apiculate. Flowers are clustered in leafless, terminal, spike-shaped inflorescences, which are leafy only in their lower part. Antheral flowers are divided into 5 parts, pistillates are clustered in whorls in groups of 3-20 without perianth and are wrapped in two bracts with a very short stalk, which intergrows only in the lowest part. Seeds are round, lustrous, glabrous, and brown. A. tatarica flowers and bears fruit in July-September. Minimum temperature for seed germination is 3-4œC; optimum is 18-22œC.
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Page title: | AgroAtlas - Weeds - Atriplex tatarica L. - Tatarian Orache. |
Keywords: | interactive atlas map economic plant distribution area vegetation diseases pest weed USSR agriculture Russia geography GIS NIS biology photo nature geographic information system handbook ecological maps research investigation pictures download description |
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Date | created: 2005.05.04 Last updated on 2014.03.05 08:46:31 MSK |