Flora and Fauna
- 1902
- Spirogyra
- Article by Jan Parmentia on this green alga and its reproductive methods, with several photographs.
- 1903
- Spirogyra longata
- Student project with classification, habitat, adaptation, nutrition, reproduction and interactions with other species.
- 1905
- Genera in Polypodiaceae
- Genus list with authorities and synonyms compiled at Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
- 1906
- Polypodiaceae
- Expandable thumbnail images of three Hawaiian representatives of this family of mostly epiphytic or sometimes terrestrial ferns comprising about 50 genera and 550 mostly tropical species.
- 1909
- Morphological Characteristics of Phytophthora Species
- Illustrated guide designed to help in the identification of certain Phytophthora spp. found in irrigation and effluent water in nurseries.
- 1910
- Phytophthora infestans
- Microscopic images of this species, the causal agent of late blight of potatoes.
- 1912
- Pyrrosia polydactylon
- Collection record, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Conservatory and Gardens, University of Connecticut.
- 1913
- Polypodium
- Species list from Manual de Flora de Costa Rica with hypertext links to specimen data.
- 1914
- Polypodium decumanum: Samambaia
- Description and several photographs of this fern, with information on its herbal properties, uses in traditional medicine, the chemicals it contains, its biological activities, clinical research and its current uses.
- 1915
- Polypodium leucotomos: Calaguala
- Several photographs of this species which grows in tropical rainforests.
- 1917
- Polypodium virginianum
- Some information and two photographs of the Common Polypody including one showing the spore-bearing structures.