Flora and Fauna
- 11261
- Heterobostrychus aequalis
- Provides photographs and a description of the oriental wood boring beetle, with information on its distribution, biology, hosts, economic importance and management.
- 11262
- Lyctus planicollis: Southern Lyctus Beetle
- Provides photographs and a description of this wood borer, with information on its distribution, life cycle, biology, damage and management.
- 11263
- Xylopsocus capucinus
- Provides illustrations and a description of this false powderpost beetle, with information on its distribution, biology, hosts and management.
- 11264
- Common Furniture Beetle
- Information from Wikipedia on this woodboring beetle, Anobium punctatum, its life cycle and control.
- 11265
- Death Watch Beetle
- Information from Wikipedia on this woodboring beetle, Xestobium rufovillosum, and the superstitions surrounding it.
- 11266
- Death Watch Beetle: Xestobium rufovillosum
- Information from ARKive including description, range, habitat, biology, threats and conservation.
- 11267
- Furniture Beetle: Anobium punctatum
- Information from ARKive including description, range, habitat, biology, threats and conservation.
- 11268
- Lasioderma serricorne: Cigarette Beetle
- Provides photographs and a description of this pest of stored products, with information on its distribution, life cycle, damage, management and ecology.
- 11270
- Stegobium paniceum: Drugstore Beetle
- Provides photographs and a description of this pest of stored products, with information on its distribution, life cycle, damage, management and ecology.
- 11271
- American Cockroach: Periplaneta americana
- Information on this species, its distribution, description, life cycle, diet, significance and management.
- 11272
- Asian Cockroach: Blattella asahinai
- Information on this species, its distribution, description, life cycle and management.
- 11273
- Blatta orientalis: Oriental Cockroach
- Provides photographs and a description of this species, with information on its distribution, life cycle, habits, habitat, detection and management.
- 11274
- Blattodea Culture Group
- International society of amateurs and professionals interested in the study and captive rearing of cockroaches.
- 11275
- Blattodea: Cockroaches
- The characteristics of these insects, their life cycle, feeding and habitat, with illustrations.
- 11276
- Cockroaches: FAQs
- Frequently asked questions from Joe Kunkel's Homepage,Biology Department, University of Mass.
- 11277
- German Cockroach
- Life history with photos and descriptions of the various stages of Blattella Germanica.
- 11278
- Giant Burrowing Cockroach
- Photograph and inforation on Macropanesthia rhinoceros, from the Queensland Museum.