Flora and Fauna
- 11141
- Lesser Silver Water Beetle: Hydrochara caraboides
- Photographs, description, range, habitat, biology and threats. Provided by ARKive.
- 11143
- Pleasing Fungus Beetle
- Photographs of Gibbifer californicus, description, life history and habits.
- 11144
- Pseudischyrus, Tritoma, Megalodacne and Ischyrus spp.
- Photographs and information on the pleasing fungus beetles which feed on the fruiting bodies of fungi.
- 11145
- Ampedus rufipennis: Cardinal Click Beetle
- Photograph and information from ARKive including classification, status, description, range, habitat, biology, threats and conservation.
- 11146
- Alaus spp: Click Beetles
- Provides photographs and a description of these beetles, their distribution and biology, with a key to the species occurring in Florida.
- 11147
- Ampedus cardinalis: Cardinal Click Beetle
- Photographs and information from ARKive including classification, status, description, range, habitat, biology, threats and conservation.
- 11149
- Click Beetle: Lacon quercus
- Photographs and information from ARKive including classification, status, description, range, habitat, biology, threats and conservation.
- 11151
- The Click Beetle Dismantled
- Photographic study by Wim van Egmond of this beetle, family Elateridae, and how it rights itself when turned on its back.
- 11153
- Great Diving Beetle: Dytiscus marginalis
- Information from ARKive including description, range, habitat, biology, threats and conservation.
- 11154
- Predaceous Diving Beetle: Dytiscus dauricus
- Student project with classification, habitat, adaptation, diet, reproduction and interactions with other species.
- 11155
- Metamasius callizona: Mexican Bromeliad Weevil
- Provides photographs and a description of this species, its distribution, host plants, biology and the damage it causes.
- 11156
- Metamasius hemipterus sericeus: Silky Cane Weevil
- Provides photographs and a description of this weevil, its distribution, life cycle, host plants and damage.
- 11157
- Metamasius mosieri: Florida Bromeliad Weevil
- Provides photographs and a description of this species, its distribution, host plants, biology and damage.
- 11158
- Anthrenus flavipes: Furniture Carpet Beetle
- Provides photographs and a description of this common pest of upholstered furniture, its distribution, life cycle and significance.