Flora and Fauna
- 11101
- Silphidae
- Information from Wikipedia on this family of beetles, commonly known as carrion or burying beetles.
- 11102
- Bast Bark Beetle: Ernoporus tiliae
- Photographs and information from ARKive including classification, status, description, range, habitat, biology, threats and conservation.
- 11105
- Dyscinetus morator: Rice Beetle
- Provides photographs and a description of this beetle, its distribution, biology and economic importance.
- 11106
- Euphoria sepulcralis
- Photographs and information on this flower beetle, its distribution, identification, biology, hosts and pest status.
- 11107
- Family Scarabaeidae
- Photos and information on various kinds of scarab beetles, especially those from tropical rainforests.
- 11110
- Phyllophaga spp: White Grubs
- Provides photographs and a description of the May beetle and its larvae, its distribution, life cycle and management.
- 11112
- Popillia japonica: Japanese Beetle
- Provides photographs and a description of this serious pest of turf, its distribution, life cycle, damage and management.
- 11115
- Rutelinae
- The Insect Company provides a gallery of photographs of beetles of the genus Plusiotis, sometimes known as leaf chafers.
- 11116
- Scarab Beetle or Dung Bettle
- Information on the family Scarabaeidae, with a gallery of photographs.
- 11117
- Tenlined June Beetle
- Photographs of Polyphylla decemlineata, description, life history and habits.
- 11118
- Tomarus subtropicus: Sugarcane Grub
- Provides photographs and a description of this pest of turf and sugarcane, its distribution, life cycle, host range, damage and management.