Flora and Fauna
- 10921
- Rhinophoridae
- Information from Wikipedia on this family of flies, the larvae of which are parasitoids of other invertebrates.
- 10923
- Family Rhagionidae
- Photographs of flies in this family found in North America, provided by BugGuide.
- 10924
- Rhagionidae
- Information from Wikipedia on this family of predatory flies, commonly known as snipe flies.
- 10925
- Snipe Fly: Rhagio sp.
- Photographs and diagnostic features of this species that likes to settle head-down on tree trunks.
- 10926
- Family Ptychopteridae
- Photographs of flies in this family found in North America, provided by BugGuide.
- 10927
- Ptychopteridae
- Information from Wikipedia on this family of flies, commonly known as phantom crane flies, and their life history.
- 10929
- Family Psychodidae
- Photographs of flies in this family found in North America, provided by BugGuide.
- 10930
- Lutzomyia
- Information from Wikipedia on this sand fly which is responsible for the transmission of the parasitic disease leishmaniasis.
- 10931
- Lutzomyia shannoni
- Provides photographs and a description of this sand fly, its distribution, life cycle, hosts, medical importance and management.
- 10932
- Phlebotominae
- Information from Wikipedia on this subfamily of flies that feed on blood, commonly known as sand flies, some of which are vectors of disease.
- 10933
- Phlebotomus
- Information from Wikipedia on this genus of sand flies responsible for the transmission of the disease leishmaniasis.
- 10934
- Psychodidae
- Information from Wikipedia on this family of small flies with short, hairy bodies and wings.
- 10936
- Carrot Fly
- Information from Wikipedia on this fly, Psila rosae, the larvae of which eat and damage carrots.
- 10937
- Family Psilidae: Rust Flies
- Photographs of flies in this family found in North America, from BugGuide.