Flora and Fauna
- 4361
- Rhododendron canescens: Swamp Azalea
- Fact sheet with photos of the leaf, flower, fruit, twig, bark and form.
- 4362
- Rhododendron catawbiense: Catawba Rhododendron
- Fact sheet with photos of the leaf, flower, fruit, twig, bark and form.
- 4364
- Rhododendron macrophyllum
- Account of the species, including distribution and occurrence, use and characteristics.
- 4365
- Rhododendron macrophyllum: Pacific Rhododendron
- Fact sheet with photos of the leaf, flower, fruit, twig, bark and form.
- 4366
- Rhododendron maximum
- An account of the species, including distribution and occurrence, use and characteristics.
- 4367
- Rhododendron maximum: Great Rhododendron
- Fact sheet with photos of the leaf, flower, fruit, twig, bark and form.
- 4368
- Rhododendron occidentale: Western Azalea
- Fact sheet with photos of the leaf, flower, fruit, twig, bark and form.
- 4369
- Rhododendron periclymenoides: Pink Azalea
- Fact sheet with photos of the leaf, flower, fruit, twig, bark and form.
- 4371
- Virtual Arboretum: Rhododendrons, Azaleas and Vireyas
- Collection of photographs and information about rhododendron species and hybrids. Invites viewers to send in photos.
- 4372
- Oxydendrum arboreum
- Includes distribution and occurrence, botanical and ecological characteristics, value and use, and fire ecology.
- 4375
- Lyonia myrtilloides
- Description of this bush or small tree, with photographs of leaves and flowers.
- 4378
- Kalmia latifolia: Mountain Laurel
- Information from Botanical.com, a modern herbal, on this poisonous plant, its description, constituents, medicinal action and uses.