Flora and Fauna
- 4245
- Andira inermis: Cabbage Tree
- Information from Botanical.com on this poisonous plant, its description, constituents, medicinal action and uses.
- 4246
- Andira inermis: Cabbage Tree
- Description and several photographs of this tropical tree and information on its herbal properties, tribal and herbal medicine uses, the chemicals it contains and its worldwide ethnomedical uses.
- 4247
- Amorpha canescens (Leadplant)
- Physical features, range, habitat, and associated fauna. Images provided.
- 4248
- Albizia julibrissin
- Photographs and information on this tree, commonly known as Acacia, Mimosa or the Silk Tree.
- 4250
- Abrus precatorius: Jequerity
- Description of this plant and information on its properties and actions, the chemicals it includes and its ethnobotanical uses, with several photographs.
- 4256
- The Euphorbiaceae
- Botanical characteristics of this family, with photographs and a brief description of a number of individual species.