Flora and Fauna
- 4123
- Quercus agrifolia (Coast Live Oak)
- Physical characteristics, range, and habitat. Includes distribution map.
- 4124
- Quercus agrifolia (Coast Live Oak)
- Describes physical features and provides photos of mature tree, leaf, twig, acorns, catkins, and bark.
- 4128
- American Beech (Fagus grandifolia)
- Fact sheet describes the tree's characterizes, with illustrative photos.
- 4129
- Fagus grandifolia
- American beech: distribution and occurrence in North America, botanical and ecological characteristics, value and use, and fire ecology.
- 4130
- Chrysolepis chrysophylla
- Details of distribution and occurrence, value and use, characteristics, and its fire ecology.
- 4131
- Identification of Chestnut (Castanea) Species
- Key for identifying American and Eurasian species and hybrids.
- 4132
- Castanea pumila
- Common names include chinquapin and Allegheny chinkapin. Covers taxonomy, botanical and ecological characteristics, uses and values, management considerations including susceptibility to chestnut blight, and fire effects.
- 4133
- Castanea pumila: Alleghany Chinkapin
- Factsheet with description and images of leaf, inflorescence, twig, nut, tree and bark.
- 4136
- Castanea mollissima: Chinese Chestnut
- Factsheet with information and images of leaf, inflorescence, twig, nut, tree and bark.
- 4137
- APSnet Feature: Chestnut Blight Disease
- Article from the American Phytopathological Society, with detailed information on the plight of American Chestnut and hope for restoration.
- 4138
- Castanea dentata: American Chestnut
- Factsheet with information and images of leaf, inflorescence, twig, nut, tree and chestnut blight.