Flora and Fauna
- 3821
- Agastache aurantiaca: Orange Hummingbird Mint
- Description and photos of the species and several of its cultivars.
- 3822
- Agastache barberi: Giant Hyssop
- Description and photos of the species (also called A. pallida var. pallida) and some cultivars.
- 3824
- Agastache cana: Mosquito Plant, Hummingbirds Plant
- Photos and description of the species and one of its cultivars.
- 3827
- San Diego Thorn Mint [Acanthomintha ilicifolia (Gray) Gray]
- Distribution, habitat and environmental status for San Diego Thorn Mint.
- 3828
- The Mint Chronicles
- Acanthomintha duttonii and Acanthomintha ilicifolia photos and horticultural data
- 3829
- Krameria triandra: Rhatany
- Two photographs of this plant and details of its documented properties and actions, the chemicals it contains and its worldwide ethnobotanical uses.
- 3830
- Krameriaceae
- Botanical characteristics of this family of partially parasitic shrubs and plants, with technical drawings of Krameria.
- 3833
- Juglandaceae
- Botanical characteristics of this family of trees and shrubs with technical drawings of Juglans, Engelhardtia, Platycarya and Pterocarya.
- 3835
- Pterocarya fraxinifolia: Caucasian Wingnut
- Photos to aid in identifying this tree by its leaves, bark, and other characteristics.
- 3836
- Pterocarya stenoptera
- Article from Wikipedia with photographs and description of the Chinese wingnut tree.
- 3837
- Juglans californica
- Information on distribution and occurrence; value and use; characteristics; and fire ecology.
- 3838
- Juglans major
- Information on distribution and occurrence; value and use; characteristics; and fire ecology.